On Saturday 6th February 2021, 1st Saltash Brownies went on a virtual mythical sleepover. At 1,3,5, and 7 o’clock Squirrel, Woody and all the other Brownies went on a zoom meeting and did lots of fun activities.

At 1 o’clock we made dream catchers and night lights. I loved them! At 3 o’clock we made magical rocky road – yummy. At 5 o’clock we made the dens we were going to sleep in, I slept under my cabin bed. At 6,7,8 o’clock (it depended what group you were in) we did a virtual mythical escape island. On the power point we had to visit 9 different mythical creatures. At each one we had to solve a problem to get a key. Each key had a letter on it. At the end we had to unscramble all the letters to make a magic word to break the spell. Then we went to bed.
On Sunday morning at 10 o'clock we met up on zoom one more time and played lots of games! We have mermaid, dinosaur and an emoji race and of course then was a scavenger hunt. I had so much fun.
Write up by Lydia, Brownie.
Leader Cheryl says: 1st Saltash Brownies really miss sleepovers, holidays and camps so it was really nice to be able to have a virtual sleepover. We even shared with our Brownies, their siblings, parents and even grandparents. Sometimes I am not sure who has more fun.