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* You need a mentor?

* You are a mentor needing information

* You would like to be a mentor

* You're curious....

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I’m Karen, and I currently hold the roles of County Leadership Qualification (LQ) Coordinator and Mentor Coordinator.

As LQ Coordinator I keep an eye on new leaders starting out on their guiding adventure and current leaders adding a section to their qualification or maybe taking on the Unit Leader role. I work with a team of lovely ladies who match Leaders in Training with local Mentors, and we try to ensure that the LQ process is a happy experience for all involved.

As Mentor Coordinator I help our Mentors stay up to date with guiding policies and information and arrange socials.

Mentors Information Section

If you are one of our lovely Mentors you will find lots of information here to help you with your role.

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Guidance For Mentors

This document has everything you need to know as a Mentor!


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Being a perfect match

Nervous about that first meeting with your mentee. First introductions, they matter!

Don't repeat .....

If your mentee has completed her YL Qualification see what evidence can be used for her LQ.


Is your LIT new to Girlguiding? Don't forget to invite them to a Welcome Event and encourage them to look at the Welcome Page.

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Need motivation?

Has your LIT lost her way with the LQ. This document is here to help you!


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Don't forget .....

If you ever need any help, or advice ask!
I'm always here to help!


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Seeing it in action

This document will help mentors to know what to look for when observing your mentee.


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The Leadership Qualification Completion Form needs to be completed by the Mentor when the Mentee has completed her LQ Book.

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And lastly.....

Don't forget to submit your expenses form once your Mentee is finished and return to your area co-ordinator.

Becoming a Mentor.

If you are toying with the idea of becoming a Mentor and want to share your guiding knowledge with other volunteers then why not become a mentor? You can find out lots of information here:



Would you like to become a Mentor?
Find out more from the Girlguiding website.

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What does it involve being a Mentor?
Read the job description here.

Still need more...

Read the Mentoring Handbook for lots more information!

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