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to Girlguiding in Cornwall

We’re so glad you’re joining us. Thanks to you, more girls will gain confidence, feel empowered and have great adventures and we hope that you’ll enjoy everything guiding has to offer too. 

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Hi, I'm Emma,

As Membership Growth and Retention Coordinator, I’m here to assist with everything connected to looking after our current members and recruiting new ones.  I work closely with the Learning and Development Team to provide assistance with welcoming, training and supporting our existing volunteers; as well as the Communications and PR Team to promote Girlguiding and recruit new girls and leaders.  Please feel free to contact me directly if you need support with your own leadership journey, or within your unit team.




Your role

Whatever role you have chosen we can't wait to welcome you to Girlguiding Cornwall.

Not chosen a role yet?

We have a huge variety of volunteer roles both within units and behind the scenes. From leaders, unit helpers, shop managers, treasurers, web management, PR, to skills based occasional volunteering eg archery instructors or DIY enthusiasts!
We would be delighted to team you up with your ideal role whatever your age or gender. 

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Emma Forrest

Please note that all volunteers require DBS checks and you will be required to complete Safeguarding training.

As a Girlguiding volunteer you have a responsibility to help girls and young women reach their full potential through great guiding experiences - so it’s important that you’re clear about this responsibility.

Your Volunteer Code of Conduct maps out what is expected of you at all times.

Your Welcome Pack

Thank you for agreeing to take up a role with Girlguiding Cornwall. We would love to offer you a warm welcome.

One of our dedicated team of District or Division Commissioners should have been in touch with you to give you our County Welcome Pack.


You can find out who is who in Girlguiding Cornwall by visiting our About us page and Meet our Advisers page. Lots of different people have lots of different roles within the County to try and give the girls and volunteers in Cornwall the best possible opportunities and hopefully many of them you will get to meet very soon.

Jargon Busting

When you start any new activity there is a lot of jargon and unique phases that are used and often need explaining. Here are some of the most common words and phrases that you might hear being used within the organisation. If you ever come across anything you don't understand, never be afraid to ask!


1st Response - It will train you to provide first aid to members in emergencie, inside or outside of your unit meeting place. The course was created specifically for members of Girlguiding. More about how Girlguiding Cornwall offer 1st Response training can be found on our Learning & Development page.


Annual subscriptions or Census –  paid by each unit per member, to GGUK in February every year.  It covers things like volunteer training, safeguarding, data protection, insurance, legal advice and property management.


BGO - British Gilrguiding Overseas - formerly Brisitsh Guides in Foreign Countries (BGIFC)


Brownie Bells – traditional song at the end of Brownie meetings


C/I - Counties/Islands


DC – District Commissioner


Div Comm – Division Commissioner. Visit Where to find us page to see all of Cornwall's Division Commissioners. 


GG - Girlguiding


GO - Guiding Organiser - the secure database on which details of all young members and adult members in the organisation are held. This includes Join Us, the enquiries part where girls and adults register their interest.


G.O.L.D. - Guiding Overseas Linked with Development (GOLD) enables young women to develop their potential and make a difference in the world. 


Gold - The top award available to all Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Rangers to complete.


HQ - National Girlguiding Headquarters


I.C.E. - International Community Experience - a programme for Guides.


I.N.T.O.P.S. - International Opportunities. 


L.I.T. - Leader In Training


L.Q. - Leadership Qualification


O.A.A. - Outdoor Activities Adviser


Patrol – a small group of girls that sometimes work together within Guides.


P.L.C. - Patrol Leaders Council (Guide decision making forum)


Pow Wow - Brownie decision making forum.


Programme What the girls do when they’re in Rainbows, Brownies, Guides or Rangers. Consisting of S.B's (Skill Builders), U.M.A's (Unit Meeting Activities) and I.B's (Interest Badges)


Rainbow Chat - Rainbow decision making forum.


Region - Girlguiding Cornwall is part of Girlguiding South West England, our Region.


R.E.N. - Residential Event Notification - a form that a Leader must submit to her commissioner before planning a residential event.


Section – The age related group within Girlguiding -  Rainbows, Brownies, Guides or Rangers.


Subs - The money that local units collect from young members to cover running costs. Or it can refer to Annual Subscriptions (See above).


Six – a small group of girls that sometimes work together within Brownies.


Sixer – the Six Leader who might also have a Seconder to assist.


Taps – The traditional song sang at the end of Guides meetings.


Trefoil Guild - Is a branch organisation of Girlguiding and its members agree to support the guiding ethos. Membership is open to anyone aged 18 and over. There are Trefoil Guilds in Cornwall


Unit – The name given to the group that meets on a regular basis (e.g. 1st Cornwall Brownies)


W.A.G.G.G.S. - World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts



Volunteering with Girlguiding is both rewarding and a great way to socialise, meet new people and make great friends along the way.
You just never know what adventures await for you or the girls.

Jenna and Lauren
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