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Thinking Day STEM fun in Falmouth

Over 50 members of Girlguiding in Falmouth celebrated Thinking Day on an environmental theme, with the help of TECGirls!

TECGirls talked to the group about marine plastics and their effects on our beaches and wildlife before setting a range of challenges.

Brownies designed ways to clean up marine plastics, then made light-up posters advertising their inventions.

Guides created stop motion animation with clay models to show the impact of marine plastics on sea creatures.

I loved making the clay models...and everything we did! Evie

The Ranger activity is explained by Saffron:

"We each programmed a micro:bit using Scratch, to make a counter for litter collected during a beach clean. Once it was programmed, one button on the micro:bit recorded pieces of fishing rubbish, and the other button recorded non-fishing rubbish. We also coded it so that at the end of the beach clean, if you pressed both buttons together it would tell you how many pieces you had collected all together."

There were some really imaginative creations, detailed videos, and some of the Rangers branched out into making their micro:bit sing! Everyone tried new things, met people from different units, and had a great evening. We'd definitely recommend inviting TECGirls to your unit, District or Division for an evening!

I enjoyed how we all came together, doing different activities and having fun! Catherine

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