...that is the question! Read on for our Q&A about digital safeguarding around taking, sharing, using and storing photos and videos.
Q: How long is a young member's photo consent valid?
A: Until they leave your unit. If they move to a new section, or leave Girlguiding the photo consent is no longer valid.
Q: How does that affect photos I have shared already?
A: You don't need to un-share anything you have already used, but you cannot re-use photos with that young member in.
Q: What about photos of the back of their head?
A: Photo consent is only needed for pictures where the individual can be identified. You can continue to use photos of the young member after they leave your unit or the organisation, provided that she cannot be identified.
Q: But what about unit archives?
A: It's fine to keep photos for unit archives. Make sure they're stored securely - any that are kept digitally should be password protected.
Q: What do I need to include when I send photos to Kerensa?
A: Please confirm in the email that you have current photo permissions for all members who can be identified, and that the photo consents are for publicity outside the unit.
Q: How do I check photo permissions for my unit?
A: On Go - head to the ‘Young Member Roles’ page, then use the drop-down menu to select ‘Unit Meeting Register’. There is a column showing you the current photo permissions for each member.
Q: Where can I find out more?
A: On the Girlguiding website.